butterfly effect
The effects of your actions will never be known to you.
As a child, one of my friends had told me about a song his father used to play at home. It was a kishore song, 'aa chal ke tujhe' and I finally saw and heard it later on TV. Even today it is one of my favourite songs.
We perform so many actions, say so many things without ever knowing how it is affecting/impacting someone.
Once while driving in a car with a friend, i stopped at a signal. At 10 at night. in Mumbai. He said the road is empty and there is no one. You can cut the signal and no one will know, and no one will be inconvinienced. My point was that we do not know who is seeing us. even if a small kid is watching us from the balcony learns the lesson and emulates it, then the action would have been worth it.